Through the years...
Sharon Commercial Printing opened in 1974 as a spin-off company of the local newspaper, The Herald. It was purchased the following year by Bob and June Beck, establishing the company as the area’s leading print provider.
In 1996, the Beck’s youngest son, Randy, purchased the growing company from his parents and brother. After just two years, the company outgrew its home on State Street in Sharon, PA and moved to a new, larger facility on Penn Avenue near the Penn State Shenango campus.
After extending capabilities in digital technology, direct mail, and wide-format (displays and banners), the team at Sharon Commercial Printing felt it was time to incorporate a name that didn’t pigeon-hole our capabilities...and SCP Group was born.
Today, SCP Group is going strong and we think our success can be attributed to our first-rate customer service, attention to detail, product quality and our commitment to stay current with technology. Dedication to customer satisfaction combined with 47 years experience in the industry, makes SCP Group a great partner for print communication solutions.